Cargo traffic in Frankfurt continued to slow in June as challenges in the market remained through the first half of the year.

In a statement, Fraport reported an 11.8% drop in cargo volumes year-on-year.

"The main factors behind this decline included airspace restrictions related to the war in Ukraine and the extensive anti-Covid measures in China," it said.

Fraport noted that aircraft movements in June climbed by 79.3% year-on-year to 35,883 takeoffs and landings. Meanwhile, accumulated maximum takeoff weights (MTOWs) expanded by 63.0% year on year to over 2.2 million metric tons.

On the contrary, Frankfurt Airport recorded its strongest month since the start of the pandemic during the first half of 2022 with passenger volume increasing more than threefold compared to the same period in 2021.

The airport reported passenger traffic continued its upward trend in June with about 5.0 million passengers travelling via Germany's largest aviation hub in the reporting month, for a 181% year-on-year increase – marking a new monthly record since the start of the pandemic.

When compared with pre-crisis June 2019, FRA noted that this passenger traffic was still down by 24.1%

"In Frankfurt, passenger numbers surged by more than 135% in June compared to February this year. This demonstrates the strong momentum driving air travel demand," said Dr Stefan Schulte, Fraport CEO.

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