China has approved a plan to set up cross-border e-commerce comprehensive pilot zones in 27 cities and regions.

China's State Council said the 27 cities and regions include Erdos, Yangzhou, Zhenjiang and Taizhou.

"Upholding the new development philosophy and pursuing the building of a new development pattern, the reply emphasized giving full play to the role of cross-border e-commerce in upgrading traditional industries and promoting industrial digitalization," the statement said.

It added that despite this, more work needs to be done "to prevent transaction risks, protect the rights and interests of private information and create a sound business environment for market players on a level playing field."

"Local governments were urged to respect the decisive role of the market in resource allocation, with effective channeling of social resources and reasonable allocation of public resources," the statement added, noting that "management mechanisms" for cross-border e-commerce also should be established and improved.

Departments of the State Council will also explore and innovate technical standards, business procedures, regulation models and informationization construction in cross-border e-commerce business-to-business modes, and further optimize the statistical system of cross-border e-commerce.

"The government will exempt value-added and consumption taxes for cross-border e-commerce retail exports in the pilot zones, and support enterprises to set up and share overseas warehouses," the plan from the State Council said.


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