Airport Authority Hong Kong (AAHK) announced that operation familiarisation for aircraft taking off and landing on the Third Runway of the Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA) would be conducted from July 8 onwards.

AAHK said this would allow local and overseas aviation community stakeholders to familiarise themselves with the related operating procedures and collaborative arrangements in an orderly manner.

Last month, AAHK said the Third Runway is planned to commence operation this year as scheduled.

On May 31, AAHK received the renewed aerodrome licence issued by the Civil Aviation Department (CAD).

In April 2022 flight check for the Third Runway was also satisfactorily completed to ensure that the equipment, flight procedures, and airfield ground lighting system are in compliance with the requirements of the International Civil Aviation Organization and the CAD.

Meanwhile, AAHK said the Centre Runway will be closed for reconfiguration from July 8 which is targeted to be complete along with other works of the Three-runway System project, including Terminal 2 (T2) expansion, new T2 Concourse, Automatic People Mover and Baggage Handling System, in 2024 as scheduled.

Hong Kong

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