Hutchison Port Holdings Trust (HPH Trust) has announced the deployment of 5G technology at the container terminals under its Hong Kong operations – the first container terminals to become 5G-operated in Hong Kong, setting industry benchmarks for innovation and technology.

It noted that five 5G base stations had been set up within HPH Trust Hong Kong terminals in cooperation with sister telecommunications and internet service provider, 3HK, enabling ultra-high-speed, low latency and massive machine-type communications, which translate into greater remote execution capabilities, more connected devices and the possibility to implement virtual private real-time networks.

In a statement, Hutchison said the terminals are running three pilot projects, including building a secure and reliable communications channel via 5G to control remote rubber-tired gantry cranes (RTGCs) and a CCTV system with Artificial Intelligence (AI) intrusion detection features at the gatehouse to strengthen the terminals’ security since late 2022; and another CCTV system on quay cranes (QCs) to monitor berth traffic and operations on vessels in the second quarter of this year.

Terminal automation, digitalisation

It added that these projects are expected to result in reduced operating costs, improved accuracy, safety performance and operational efficiency. They were kickstarted with funding from the “Subsidy Scheme of Encouraging Early Deployment of 5G” by the Office of the Communications Authority.

“As a pioneer in the use of 5G technology in the industry, we appreciate 5G’s potential as an enabler for greater automation and digitalisation and are glad to see the pilot projects in production operations,” said Ivor Chow, chief executive officer of Hutchison Port Holdings Trust.

“Looking ahead, we will incorporate 5G into the terminals’ development in our aspiration to become a smart port – including utilizing emerging technologies like AI, IoT, blockchain and machine learning, starting with autonomous driving in the container yard to workplace video analytics  to enhance safety and operational efficiency.”

As digitalisation continues to shape the maritime industry, HPH Trust said it understands that technology and innovation are the keys to success. 

“We take the lead to make infrastructural development to keep up with the competition, introducing remote control operations, automated systems, integrated platforms and AI applications. Embracing 5G technology will power port digitalisation and take us to a new era.”

HPH Trust is the world’s first container port business trust listed in Singapore. 

The portfolio of HPH Trust consists of interests in deep-water container port assets located in Hong Kong and Shenzhen, China, two of the world’s busiest container ports, as well as certain port ancillary services and the economic benefits of river ports complementary to the deep-water container ports operated by HPH Trust.

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