The International Maritime Organization (IMO) is calling for the safe departure of the remaining ships and seafarers in Ukraine as the war with Russia marked its first year.

In a statement, IMO said Kitack Lim, IMO secretary-general and the IMO Membership "remain deeply concerned" about the ships and, most importantly, the seafarers that remained stranded in Ukrainian ports in the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov since February 24, 2022. 

"At the start of this military conflict, some 2,000 seafarers were suddenly stranded in the affected area, on board more than 90 vessels. With the best efforts of all stakeholders, this number was reduced significantly; however, over 300 seafarers and 60 ships remain stranded," Kitack said.

The statement noted that in the last 12 months, IMO had made immense efforts and provided extensive support towards UN-wide initiatives to resolve the situation with regard to stranded ships and seafarers.  

As one of the major results, the agreement on the Black Sea Grain Initiative established a maritime corridor that allowed ships to export grain and related foodstuffs from Ukraine, with the aim of addressing global food insecurity.

"We are committed to continually providing every support needed to ensure the continued success of this vital initiative," the IMO chief said.

Kitack then called for the swift and safe departure of remaining vessels and seafarers in Ukraine as fighting between Russia and Kyiv continued.

"I am actively pursuing, in close collaboration with the relevant Member States, all avenues to facilitate negotiations with the key stakeholders in the region to allow for the safe departure of the stranded vessels and seafarers," he said.

"I remain hopeful that with this enduring will for cooperation and communication, we will be able to facilitate the safe departure of the remaining ships and seafarers as soon as possible," the IMO chief added.

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