The Maritime & Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) said the Singapore-registered tanker Success 9, believed to have been boarded by pirates, has been located and all its 20 crew members were safe.

The MPA — which also administers the Singapore Registry of Ships — gave an update on April 16, saying that "on 15 April at around 1700 hrs (Singapore time), MPA was updated that SUCCESS 9, has been located off the coast of Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire."

"A commercial ship,  MONJASA SPRINTER, passing by had earlier picked up a distress call from SUCCESS 9. The master of MONJASA SPRINTER then reported the location of SUCCESS 9 to the latter's Company Security Officer (CSO). The CSO updated MPA, who immediately informed the IFC and Monrovia Regional MRCC," MPA said in a statement.

It added that a Côte d'Ivoire Navy patrol vessel was deployed to confirm and board SUCCESS 9.

"All crew, including the Singaporean crew, were safe and in good health. The ship has since safely arrived at Abidjan port," MPA added.

"Since the boarding of the Singapore-registered ship, SUCCESS 9, by unidentified persons on 10 April 2023, the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) has been coordinating with the ship owner and multinational agencies through the Information Fusion Centre (IFC) and the Monrovia Regional Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre (MRCC) to search for the ship," MPA said.

It noted that these multinational agencies included the Maritime Domain Awareness for Trade — Gulf of Guinea, together with the regional security forces, the French navy, coast guards and maritime administrations from Côte d'Ivoire, Ghana, Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone and Nigeria.

All nearby and passing commercial ships were also cued to help in the search for SUCCESS 9.

"MPA has advised all Singapore-registered ships to exercise caution and implement the guidelines in the Best Management Practices West Africa (BMP WA) when operating in the region to mitigate piracy-associated threats," the MPA said in the announcement.

"Companies should also regularly review their ship security assessment and plan under the International Ship and Port Facility Security Code. Companies are advised to report all pirate activity, including both actual and attempted attacks, as well as suspicious sightings, to local authorities," it added.

"Success 9" was believed to have been boarded by pirates off Cote d’Ivoire on April 10 and MPA on April 14 said it remains unable to reach the vessel a few days after it was believed to have been hijacked.

The 6,135 dwt chemical tanker was said to have been boarded by pirates at around 1400hrs (UTC) on April 10, about 300 nautical miles off Cote d’Ivoire in the Gulf of Guinea.

The MPA earlier said there were 20 crew of various nationalities onboard the vessel, including one Singapore national.

Reports said the vessel could have been targeted for oil theft as it is involved in bunkering operations in the area.

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