Asia Cargo News

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‘Preighter’ flights to continue as capacity constraints persist

Airline officials and logistics service providers expect freighters to remain in demand, as passenge...

Hong Kong extends slot-use rule waiver until October 2021

Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA), the world’s busiest cargo airport, will continue to allow ai...

AirAsia’s Teleport pursues 24-hour cargo delivery in Southeast Asia despite pandemic

AirAsia, banking on its parent company’s extensive network in the region, is pursuing its rollout of...

Asian airlines and airports planning to emerge stronger from Covid aftermath

Asian airlines and airports are on the front line of finding solutions to, and opportunities arising...

Major airlines join forces with UNICEF to support Covid-19 vaccine roll-out

Leading airlines worldwide are backing a major initiative by the United Nations International Childr...

Cainiao expands in South Africa, Middle East, boosted by e-commerce

Cainiao Network said the Covid-19 pandemic and the restrictions that came with it have increased the...

Airlines downplay boost from Covid-19 vaccine delivery

Airlines are not expecting volumes in the transport of Covid-19 vaccines to have as much impact on t...

TIACA warns of ‘challenging’ air cargo environment in Q4

The International Air Cargo Association (TIACA) has issued a dire warning to the aviation industry c...

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