Asia Cargo News

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Shippers turn on logistics

Earlier this year, Walmart and Home Depot made headlines with their decisions to charter ships to en...

Road freight on the rise in Southeast Asia

Demand for road logistics in Southeast Asia is seeing increased demand with regulatory initiatives,...

Rail exec: Europe needs to play a stronger role in links with China

Europe needs to play a stronger leadership role in developing rail links with China in order to ensu...

Cathay Cargo boss sees challenging year ahead for airline, Hong Kong

Cathay Pacific Cargo expects the current supply chain crunch to continue next year amid “hard to pre...

Air freight execs share overlapping paths to sustainability

Refleeting is but one of the paths to making the air freight sector more sustainable, according to a...

Opportunities – and challenges – face air cargo

Huge opportunities – along with some challenges – as the air cargo sector deals with the ongoing Cov...

Panama Canal closes FY’21 with record tonnage

The Panama Canal closed its fiscal year 2021 (FY’21) with a record-breaking annual tonnage of 516.7...

Excess container dwell fees L.A., Long Beach are ‘gaining traction’

Shippers appeared supportive of new measures currently being implemented at the ports of Los Angeles...

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