Asia Cargo News

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A new transport agenda to carry Asia and  the Pacific towards sustainable development

A regional action programme for Asia and the Pacific should encourage greater digitalization and inn...

Shippers turn on logistics

Earlier this year, Walmart and Home Depot made headlines with their decisions to charter ships to en...

Road freight on the rise in Southeast Asia

Demand for road logistics in Southeast Asia is seeing increased demand with regulatory initiatives,...

Shipping giants step up end-to-end game

The large container lines are boosting their logistics services capabilities with a fresh spate of a...

Air freight execs share overlapping paths to sustainability

Refleeting is but one of the paths to making the air freight sector more sustainable, according to a...

Aviation, shipping adopt net zero carbon emission goal by 2050

The supply chain industry is ramping up its efforts to push for sustainability in the sector with re...

Egypt works to change the Suez from a waterway to an economy

Work on improvements to boost the capacity of the Suez Canal has started, a recent Expo Dubai semina...

Panama Canal closes FY’21 with record tonnage

The Panama Canal closed its fiscal year 2021 (FY’21) with a record-breaking annual tonnage of 516.7...

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