The automated Cold Chain Pallet-Cargo System for AAT COOLPORT at Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA) has been completed by air cargo terminal solutions provider Lödige Industries.

The German company planned, manufactured and implemented the advanced system for AAT COOLPORT, which is the first on-airport cold chain facility in Hong Kong, providing a complete temperature-controlled environment operated by Asia Airfreight Terminal (AAT). 

Lödige Industries said the tailor-made pallet moving solution would allow the operator to maintain strictly regulated cold chains seamlessly and respond to the increasing global demand for temperature-sensitive air transports.

"The customised and automated material handling system is designed for fast and safe transport of temperature-sensitive goods inside the cold chain facility," Lödige Industries said, adding that modern and climate-resistant sensors, in combination with an enhanced maintenance and control system ensure an efficient and safe flow of fragile goods.

Lödige Industries was tapped by AAT for the project after meeting the requirements for stringent cold chain regulations and short turnaround timelines.

Increased cold chain market 

The German company noted that the market for temperature-sensitive goods, like pharmaceuticals and perishables, is currently the strongest growing market in air freight worldwide.

Given the rapid planning and implementation of the automated ULD handling system, AAT is able to meet the rapidly growing demand of its customers for temperature-sensitive air cargo as well as strict cold chain regulations.

"The sector for temperature-sensitive goods is becoming a very important market for our customers," said Yammie Sin, chief marketing officer at AAT, adding that seamless compliance with cold chain regulations is "enormously important," prompting AAT to invest in the most reliable and efficient equipment for our new cold storage facility COOLPORT. 

"This also allows AAT to offer services that were previously unavailable in HKIA, such as temperature-controlled truck docks and the ability to screen, build up and break down cargo entirely within a temperature-controlled environment," Sin added.

The contract was awarded in June 2021, and AAT COOLPORT has been serving the industry since July 2022.

Lödige Industries has numerous material handling system projects in Asia (e.g., at the airports of Singapore or Chengdu).

In 2006, Lödige Industries handed over a sizeable multi-level material handling system for AAT, with four 43-meter-high elevating transfer vehicles.

The new palletized cargo handling system marks another milestone in the long partnership with AAT and further consolidates Lödige Industries' strong presence and experience in Asia.

"We look back on a long partnership with Asia Airfreight Terminal at Hong Kong International Airport, where we continue to service the system which was handed over in 2006 and modernised in 2018," said Nicholas Tripptree, managing director, APAC at Lödige Industries, adding that especially in the cold chain sector, "absolute reliability and consistency are key."

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