This season's first batch of Chilean Cherry containers for the South China market was discharged at Modern Terminals.

The containers arrived in Hong Kong 23 days after being loaded onto the container vessel at Valparaiso in Chile. In a statement, Modern Terminals, a member of the Hong Kong Seaport Alliance, said the "HOT BOX" arrangement offered by the Hong Kong Seaport Alliance facilitates immediate connection to trucks and barges and transported to consumer markets in South China. 

Modern Terminals said containers picked up by truck or barge is then transported across the boundary to Mainland China and can arrive at the renowned Jiangnan Fruit Wholesale market in Guangzhou within hours after being offloaded at the Port of Hong Kong.

Chilean cherry is a notable Chinese New Year gift symbolizing joy, blessings and good fortune.

"Chile is the world’s leading cherry exporter. Around 90% of Chile’s cherry export goes to China with South China being the largest consumer market for the popular fruit," said Osvaldo Alvarez, consul general of Chile in Hong Kong.

"Hong Kong plays an important role in our cherry exports acting as the main gateway for thousands of Chilean Cherry containers destined for the Mainland China market and the rest of Asia."

Cherry Express vessels enjoy berth on arrival and the HOT BOX arrangement is popular with Fruit Importers and Logistics Providers.

Modern Terminals noted that Hong Kong's fast delivery ensures freshness, quality, and taste when the fruit reaches consumers all over South China.

With 8,000 reefer plugs available at the Hong Kong Seaport Alliance and connections to all over Asia, Hong Kong is also the perfect hub for the transhipment of Chilean Cherry containers to markets in the rest of Asia.

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