VistaJet signed an agreement with AEG Fuels to purchase Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) produced by OMV at Vienna International Airport which will accelerate VistaJet's plan for more sustainable aviation solutions and its goal towards carbon neutrality by 2025.

Under the agreement, VistaJet is committed to replacing over 200,000 USG of conventional jet fuel consumption with a blended SAF. 

The change from conventional to sustainable fuel is expected to reduce CO2 emissions by over 165,000 kg— an 80% emissions improvement over the lifecycle of the fuel compared to conventional jet fuel.

This SAF is produced in compliance with the EU Renewable Energy Directive (EU RED).

"Together as an industry, we can reshape the way we conduct business. At VistaJet, we are very proud of the progress we have made, and we hope that others will adopt our recommendations," said Thomas Flohr, founder and chairman, VistaJet.

He added that businesses are rightfully being held accountable for their environmental impact and our agreement with AEG Fuels not only helps in reducing GHG emissions but goes hand in hand with VistaJet's ongoing efforts to practice higher sustainability.

VistaJet noted that private aviation has seen unprecedented growth since the pandemic, as travel continues to be a necessity for companies to ensure business continuity and point-to-point connections on fuel-efficient smaller aircraft.

"Business and corporate jet operators are going to be key stakeholders in aviation's decarbonization plans as we work to achieve net zero. We're very excited to support VistaJet's efforts to push our industry forward and provide a framework for future SAF agreements," said Stephen J. Leonard, vice president of Global Supply, AEG Fuels, noting that their individual efforts are supporting critical investments in sustainable solutions for producers and consumers in the space.

In April 2021, VistaJet pledged to be fully carbon neutral across its entire business by 2025.

Urging the aviation industry to step up and do its part to combat climate change, VistaJet’s commitment is also aimed at pushing the sector to go further than the current goal of net-zero carbon emissions by 2050 set by the civil aviation industry bodies and IATA.

VistaJet said only a multi-party contribution can reduce impact in scale and bring about an industry-wide transformation to drive systemic transformation.

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