CMA CGM Air Cargo, the newly-established air freight division of shipping and logistics company CMA CGM, has applied for a foreign air carrier permit in the United States as the carrier looks set to operate its own Air Operator Certificate (AOC) airline in the first half the year.

"CMA CGM AIR CARGO (CMA CGM) hereby applies for a foreign air carrier permit to transport property and mail pursuant to the Air Transport Agreement between the United States and the European Union and its Member States," the document dated February 22 said, noting that it has earlier applied for AOC and operations from French Civil Aviation Authority which it "expects" to be approved soon.

Once it receives the said certificate from the French regulator, CMA CGM would be able to add more routes out of Paris CDG to boost its rapidly increasing freighter fleet.

"While its application for a foreign air carrier permit is pending, CMA CGM requests that it be granted an exemption from 49 U.S.C. § 41301 to the extent necessary to allow it to provide the services described above for a two-year period or until the requested permit authority becomes effective, whichever occurs first," it said, confirming the cargo carrier's plans to launch operations between Paris, France and Chicago, Illinois as well as New York and Atlanta, Georgia, in Spring 2022.


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