Jettainer has launched environmentally-friendly and lightweight pallet nets: Pallet Net Zero from AmSafe Bridport.

In a statement, the Unit Load Device (ULD) management firm said it is sourcing these nets, which are made out of sustainable bio-based materials, from its longstanding partner AmSafe Bridport, a company offering highly engineered, innovative safety textile solutions for aerospace & defence.

"These newly developed nets are the lightest on the market. Around 60% lighter than conventional polyester options, they reduce fuel consumption, cutting costs and greenhouse gas emissions in international air transport," Jettainer said of the pallets.

It noted that Pallet Net Zero is made out of bio-based fibre – a pioneering material extracted from renewable bio-based raw materials and weighs 9 to 11 kilograms, these nets are much lighter than traditional polyester nets, which weigh roughly 17 to 24 kilograms, depending on the type of a net.

Jettainer said Pallet Net Zero has certification for a service life of five years.

In contrast, Jettainer noted that the most commonly used polyester versions have a durability of only three years — even after they are used, lightweight nets are to remain sustainable.

Jettainer noted that it is already working on ideas to give discarded nets a second life together with AmSafe Bridport.

Lufthansa Cargo Jettainer's first customer for Pallet Net Zero

Jettainer said Lufthansa Cargo will be its first customer to use the new, lighter Pallet Net Zero solution.

It will make around 2,000 nets available to the airline, which will be used for PAJ pallets. The net will be fixed to one side of the pallet to minimize the loss rate for these high-quality nets.

"Global responsibility and sustainable, forward-looking practices are part of our DNA. We have already been working together with Jettainer for many years in a wide variety of areas to make air freight more sustainable. With the lightweight Pallet Net Zero, we are taking another important step towards decarbonizing freight transport," said Dietmar Focke, chief operations officer & chief human resources Officer at Lufthansa Cargo.

Jettainer noted that in order to guarantee its customers the best possible product, Jettainer had the nets put through the acid test at the Institute of Textile Research Saxony (Sächsisches Textilforschungsinstitut e.V.).

Together with Lufthansa Cargo, Jettainer will conduct further stress tests of the lightweight Pallet Net Zero and gather experience in handling it in order to make further improvements and developments with AmSafe Bridport.

"Winning such a large airline as Lufthansa Cargo as a proof of concept customer for these new lightweight pallet nets is a great opportunity for both of us. Sustainability is playing an increasingly important role throughout the entire industry. Our efficient ULD management services, the use of lightweight containers and innovative lightweight elements like squAIRtimber already offer our customers ways to reduce weight and their CO2 footprint," said Thomas Sonntag, managing director at Jettainer.

He added that the use of Pallet Net Zero gives its customers yet another way to make their cargo flights more fuel-efficient and sustainable.

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