Munich Airport saw improved performance in the aviation market as it noted a surge in both passenger and cargo volumes last year.

The Bavarian aviation hub saw air freight volume increase by 55% to a total of around 259,000 metric tons in 2022.

"[Air freight] has benefited from the boom in traffic at Munich Airport," the airport said in its announcement.

Meanwhile, during this period, aircraft movements also nearly doubled year-on-year.

Munich Airport said the number of aircraft movements reached more than 285,000 take-offs and landings for 2022.

In terms of passengers, the gateway saw a "massive growth" in all traffic figures in 2022, with passenger numbers rising by 19 million year-on-year to a total of 31.6 million.

The airport has thus regained two-thirds of its record-breaking pre-pandemic result from 2019.

"The gradual lifting of travel restrictions has re-awakened people's desire to travel. This has prompted airlines to significantly expand their flight capacity. The bookings received by the airlines indicate that traffic growth at Munich Airport will continue in 2023," said Jost Lammers, CEO of Munich Airport.

He noted that after a weak first quarter, which was still influenced by the pandemic, demand for flights increased "enormously."

"While only four million passengers were counted at Munich Airport over the first three months, the busiest third quarter saw traffic of more than ten million travellers. The pent-up demand has been particularly noticeable in long-haul travel," the Munich executive added.

Munich Airport currently has a  total of 210 destinations in 63 countries.

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