Miami International Airport (MIA) — America's flower imports gateway — is projecting another busy peak for flower imports leading to Valentine's Day.

The airport said the US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) inspects more than one billion cut flowers for insects, pests, and diseases every Valentine's Day season from January 1 to February 15 before they enter the US, and 89% of those imported flowers come through MIA.

"In 2022, CBP inspected 1.23 billion cut flowers during the peak season, and this year was projected to be just as busy," the gateway based in Miami, Florida, said in a statement.

With more flower imports than any other airport in the US, MIA annually receives over 327,881 tons of flower imports valued at US$1.5 billion, largely because of the Valentine's Day and Mother’s Day peak seasons, it added.

In 2023, the gateway noted that consumers are expected to spend US$25.9 billion on Valentine's Day this year, up from US$23.9 billion in 2022 and one of the highest spending years on record, citing a report from the National Retail Federation and Prosper Insights & Analytics.

American Airlines Cargo said separately that roses and carnations have always been a strong export from Ecuador and Colombia — travelling by way of the carrier's hub at the Miami International Airport before continuing domestically or on American's transatlantic network to European destinations.

American Airlines Cargo added that more than 70% of the fresh flowers that American carries from Ecuador and Colombia are roses, and for Valentine's Day, that number increases to 90%.

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