The Cool Chain Association (CCA) has welcomed two new members to its fold: Switzerland-based Lamprecht Pharma Logistics and France-based Logfret.

In the brief announcement, CCA said Lamprecht Pharma Logistics is a logistics solution provider for pharmaceuticals, and Logfret, is an international freight forwarding company offering digital solutions. Both have a dedicated focus on optimising cool chain solutions within their supply chains.

"Lamprecht Pharma Logistics and Logfret bring a wealth of experience in managing cold chain risk, which aligns with the CCA's mission to improve the temperature-controlled supply chain," said Stavros Evangelakakis, chairman of CCA.

"They have joined us at an exciting time with our organisation spearheading Technical Committee projects and bringing to life events that have been in the pipeline to make greater strides within the industry," he added, noting that CCA is looking forward to taking the companies' collaboration to "the next level."

CCA noted that Logfret had developed a digital freight solution, NEOLink, that allows its users to request and receive multiple rate quotes, track shipments online, analyse metrics, and view inventory in real-time.

"By joining the CCA, Logfret envisions that the capabilities of NEOLink, Logfret, and other members will create a harmonious future through like-minded contributions to the industry, with the aligned goal of creating a more sustainable world," said Marc Millet, CEO, Logfret.

Lamprecht Pharma Logistics offers comprehensive logistics solutions, including good distribution practice (GDP) warehousing, ambient and cool chain solutions, global GDP freight services by air, truck, sea, and courier, as well as data logger management.

Gian Alessi, managing director of Lamprecht Pharma Logistics, noted that improving the supply chain and focusing on our environmental impact "can only happen through mutual exchange and collaboration."

"It is through the CCA that we hope to contribute our part towards a better society," Alessi added.

Together with member PPECB, the CCA recently contributed to an outline of best handling practices of perishables off the back of a trial tracking fresh raspberries from a South African farm to supermarkets in the UK.

Later in the year, the CCA will be hosting a panel session at Airfreight Pharma, taking place in Athens, Greece, from September 20-22,  bringing together stakeholders across the Pharma industry to discuss and share insights around best handling procedures of pharmaceutical products.

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