Canadian Pacific (CP) announced that it has become the first freight rail company in North America to participate in the United Nations (UN) Global Compact, a voluntary platform for the development, implementation,d and disclosure of socially responsible business practices.

The UN Global Compact launched in 2000 is the largest corporate sustainability initiative in the world, with more than 15,000 participating companies in over 160 countries.

"CP's participation in the UN Global Compact marks an important milestone as we advance our commitments and position as a sustainability leader in the rail industry," said Keith Creel, CP's president and chief executive officer. 

"CP is proud to join thousands of other companies globally committed to sustainable and responsible business action," Creel added.

CP is committed to aligning our strategies and operations with ten universally accepted principles in the areas of human rights, labour, environment, and anti-corruption and taking action in support of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. 

CP noted that it will continue to demonstrate a measurable impact on these goals through periodic updates and annual reporting to the UN Global Compact.

Canada , USA

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