SF Airlines, China's largest air-cargo carrier, has seen a continuous expansion of its fleet with five freighters added to its fleet this year.

Chinese state media reported that the fleet size of SF Airlines has reached 73 after a Boeing 757-200 freighter was introduced in July.

The said freighter has been put into operation on the Beijing-Shenzhen route to sustain the express delivery between north and south China.

"The continuously expanding fleet size and optimized freight capacity will strongly support air transport in the recent peak season of fruit and other fresh agricultural products," Xinhua said in a report.

SF Airlines is the aviation branch of China's express delivery giant SF Express. It is headquartered in Shenzhen.

Xinhua said SF Airlines has maintained a steady growth of its fleet and will continue to do so moving forward.

"In the second half of the year, the airline will continue to introduce long-range widebody freighters to strengthen the air cargo capacity and support the construction of the country's air cargo hubs," the state media added.

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